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Turning and Repositioning for Healthy Skin

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Turning and Repositioning for Healthy Skin

By Suela Lita, Nurse Practitioner

Whether you’re a caregiver or someone taking care of themselves, repositioning is critical to the health of your skin. These simple steps can make a big difference in preventing skin problems and promoting healing.

What is Turning and Repositioning?

Turning and repositioning means changing your body’s position regularly to avoid putting too much pressure on one area. It’s like giving your skin a break from sitting or lying in the same spot for too long.

Why is it Important?

When you stay in one position for a while, it can cause pressure ulcers or bedsores. These are painful sores that can take a long time to heal. Turning and repositioning helps prevent these sores from forming and keep your skin healthy.

How Often Should You Turn or Reposition?

Try to change positions at least every two hours if you can. If you or the person you’re caring for has fragile skin or is already has a wound, it might be recommended to turn more often.

Tips for Turning and Repositioning:

  • Use Pillows and Cushions: Put pillows or cushions under the parts of your body that need support. This helps take the pressure off those areas.
  • Move Slowly: When you’re turning or repositioning, take your time. Moving too quickly can cause discomfort or even injury.
  • Talk it Out: Keep communication open. Let the person you’re caring for know what you’re doing, and ask how they’re feeling.
  • Check for Redness: Keep an eye out for any red spots on the skin. If you see any, it means there’s too much pressure there. Adjust the position to relieve it.
  • Stick to a Schedule: Try to turn or reposition at the same times every day. This helps make sure you don’t forget and keeps the skin healthy.

Points to consider:

  • If someone can’t move on their own, there are special mattresses or cushions that can help relieve pressure.
  • If there are already wounds present, it’s important to get advice from a healthcare professional on the best way to turn and reposition without making them worse.
  • Turning and repositioning might seem small, but they’re mighty when it comes to keeping skin healthy and preventing wounds.

By following these tips, you’re taking a big step toward better skin health and overall well-being.