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Case Studies

Graphic Wound Images. Click on an image to show or blur it.

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    Sacral Wound 7/25/23

    Sacral Wound 7/25/23

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    Sacral Wound 11/30/2023

    Sacral Wound 11/30/2023

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    Toe Day 1

    Toe Day 1

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    Toe after 6 weeks of therapy

    Toe after 6 weeks of therapy

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    Left leg after 5 years of treatment

    Patient M. left leg after 5 years of treatment with traditional methods.

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    Left leg after 21 days of treatment with Restore First Health

    Patient M. left leg after 21 days with Restore First Health.

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    Right leg after 5 years of treatment

    Patient M. right leg after 5 years of treatment with traditional methods.

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    Right after 21 days of treatment with Restore First Health

    Patient M. right leg after 21 days with Restore First Health.

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    6.5CM wide persistent wound

    6.5CM wide persistent wound unable to be healed with traditional treatments.

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    Wound after 7 weeks of treatment using Restore First Health's protocol

    After 7 weeks of treatment using Restore First Health's protocol.

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    Top wound following 2 1/2 years of traditional wound treatment.

    Top wound following 2 1/2 years of traditional wound treatment. Open wound, no skin coverage. Day One with Restore First Health.

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    Top wound following first treatment plan with Restore First Health

    Top wound following first treatment plan with Restore. Skin completely covering wound.

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    Top wound showing continued healing and shrinkage

    Top wound showing continued healing and shrinkage.

  • Side

    Side wound after 2 1/2 years of traditional wound treatment

    Side wound; basically one large wound connected to the top wound. Again, after 2 1/2 years of traditional wound treatment. Day One with Restore.

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    Side wound showing clear separation from top wound

    Side wound following first treatment plan showing clear separation from top wound.

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    Side wound magnified 10x showing complete healing

    Side wound magnified 10x showing complete healing with a slight discoloration of skin.